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Privacy and Security Policy
The Privacy and Security Policy described below is part of the Terms and Use Conditions of this website, respecting all the standards provided for in the legislation in force in our country, especially in the General Data Protection Law.
Visiting and staying on the site automatically implies the explicit agreement to the policy below in all its terms.
This site is operated, maintained and wholly owned by Creative Skyline Ltda., CNPJ 44.131.206/0001-26, Avenida Washington Soares 55, Sala 516 – Iguatemi Empresarial, Edson Queiroz, 60811-341 Fortaleza - CE, Brazil and is hosted with the address
General Information:
This site handles the processing of personal data of blog users, from the stage of collection to its elimination, respecting the legislation of the country where it was created. Acting as controller of the personal data collected through this blog, we are at the disposal of the rules presented in Federal Law no. 13.709/2018, General Data Protection Law.
The Site works with all the necessary measures to bring security and protection to the privacy of its users, detailing how the blog works regarding the steps of collecting, storing, using, sharing and disclosing users' personal data, ; as well as the way in which the security and protection of the data collected on our page is carried out.
The website will be treated throughout this Privacy and Security Policy as “we”, “us”, “us” and "our".
Important Note
We handle your personal data with full responsibility and to demonstrate the transparency of our collection and use of personal data, we provide a privacy policy, which contains information necessary for clarifying our blog users, such as:
- Name of the maintainer, operator and owner of the blog;
- What audience is our blog aimed at;
- At what age it is recommended to absorb the contents from the blog;
- What data is collected;
- What is done with the collected data?
- How is the collected data processed?< /li>
- Use of cookies;
- Is it possible for third parties to share or publish data?
- Ways to contact us.
Data Collected
Our blog collects some data and information from our users, as will be explained below in this topic.
Personal User Data
The user's personal data collected by our blog are provided exclusively and expressly by the user, except for the provisions mentioned below, however, it will only be collected and processed with the user's consent.
Collection of datas
The data collection carried out by our website happens or can happen on all pages, when filling out forms, registering for contact or sending questions.
The user of our blog, when accessing it and filling out any of the forms on our website, as well as accepting the cookies used, expressly and clearly demonstrates that they agree and give their consent to the collection and further processing of their data .
Our website will collect information from users, such as full name, IP address, user's telephone number, e-mail address, contact telephone number and other data that are collected by filling out the forms on this website.
We can also work with web beacons to monitor the performance of hits on our posts.
Data Collection Mode
We only collect user data in necessary cases, such as to provide you with a service, but all in accordance with the legislation in force in our country and expressly respecting the General Data Protection Law.
The data collection that takes place on our blog, occurs only when there is the knowledge and, free and spontaneous consent of the user.
We do not perform any data collection without the user's permission, or by any means that could invalidate consent, such as coercion.
The collection of data can happen by filling out the Fale Conosco (Contact Us), forms on our website, filling out a registration on our website, purchases made on our website or accepting to receive information in your e-mail or contact number.
Automatic collection of personal data
We can monitor our website with web beacons and analytics, we work by collecting some user data automatically, but this data is computed only to better know our audience and have knowledge about which posts are most accessed.
The collected data they are automatically treated with security and respecting the privacy of our users, being collected directly by the system.
Purpose of Data Collection
All data provided by our users are used solely for the purpose of providing service and better performance, as through the data collected we can develop our content in a more targeted way, we do not seek any kind of advantage over them.
The data provided for us to contact you through the FAQ or Contact Us is used solely for this purpose.
Data collection also takes place so that we can send news or services that we perform, but always with the user's consent, as it is necessary to fill out a form or accept our cookies.
Data that is not collected
Our website does not work with the collection of sensitive data, as we only actually use what is necessary to perform our services.
Sensitive data, such as ethnicity, religion and genetics, as established in the General Data Protection Law, are not collected or required by our website.
Sensitive data will only be collected by us in cases expressly necessary and provided for in the aforementioned legislation, and the user will be informed about this collection, how the treatment will take place and the purpose of collecting such sensitive data.
Sharing, publishing or disclosing user data to third parties
We always work with the welfare of our users in mind, for this reason, we use good faith as a basis for disclosing, sharing or publishing any data collected by us.
We do not work with sharing, publishing or disclosing the data we collect from our users, except in cases where there is a provision by law, court order, bulletin, compliance with any determination of public authority, where any such conduct becomes mandatory, or some hypothesis of regulatory determination.
Access to data collected by us is allowed to a third party who has permission from the data subject.
In case of criminal investigation, we make all our users aware that we will cooperate in any way that is requested.
We cannot refuse to share data in the above mentioned cases.
Because we work with partners, it is important to inform that our website may have links or hyperlinks to external websites that do not have any connection with the operating mode or system of our website, including a different Privacy and Security Policy. ours.
The external sites work as established in their terms of use, we inform you that we have no power to characterize the way in which the collection, processing and elimination of data stored by external sites takes places.
We have no control over the content of external links and hyperlinks you may find throughout our blog.
The blog uses newsletter to send our users weekly information about the updates made.
In addition, it is possible that the user will receive an evaluation on certain dates to let us know what we need to improve on our site and how our performance is going.
The data collected by our blog are reported to the newsletter only for the purpose described above and respecting what is established in the laws of our country.
Data Anonymization
Data anonymization is a set of steps that are carried out after collecting data from a particular person, to delink that data from the figure of their holder, thus not allowing it to later be possible to link the data information to a person specific, even with the use of more elaborate techniques that could achieve this result.
All user data, after being used for the purpose for which they were collected, are anonymized, it is not possible to identify the owner of a given data and it is impossible to gather this information again to identify who is its owner.
The anonymization of data on this site respects all standards established in the current legislation in the country, including the technical and administrative forms that must be used.
Our blog works with the cookie policy to improve your experience in our virtual environment, as we always seek the best for our users, we use this mechanism to collect data and store them with your consent, moreover , it is through cookies that we inform you how you can refuse permission to store your data.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files sent by websites of stores, companies, blogs and so on. to the browser, to provide a better user experience, as they register user data, providing faster content and information that provide satisfaction to our user.
Cookies are not viruses or spam, so don't worry when you receive a notice to accept cookies on one of our pages.
How to use cookies
Our cookies are related to form filling, site preferences and email newsletters.
Completing forms on our pages causes cookies to be activated, as it is through them that we can make future contacts with our users.
Cookies relating to website preferences are used by our blog in order to provide an excellent experience to our users, as it is through this mechanism that we can seek information about your preferences, and are used whenever you access any of the pages of this blog.
To link ads according to your preferences, we use behavioral advertising cookies, so we bring you relevant ads that may add to your interest.
E-mail newsletters are offered by our website, to provide you with information about the news brought, the cookies used for this purpose collect your data to remember if you have registered on our page.
Third Party Cookies
Our blog works with some trusted partners like Google Adsenses or Google Analytics, for this reason we use cookies that are necessary for the performance of this system.
Google Analytics is one of the tools used on our blog so that we can understand how you use our website, through the information provided we can improve the performance of our platform.
Consult the official Google Analytics page for more information about the cookies used by it and how they process the stored data.
Google Adsenses provides a page for users to access their privacy policies and FAQ.
We use the cookies described above to monitor the use of our website by users, so that we can observe metrics and continue to produce content that is attractive and of great value to you, in addition, we also have information about how long you stay on each site. one of our publications.
Using Ads
Our platform allows advertisements on its pages to help finance and maintain the resources used on our website, in addition to enabling development through this revenue.
The DoubleClick cookie is used by Google Adsenses on our blog and it is through this that we control the number of times an ad is shown to our user.
Our blog also works with partners in order to provide a complete and adequate experience for the content we bring in our post.
The tracking cookies used on our page are a mechanism for us to measure how many users clicked on the site through a partner site.
Cookies not accepted
Our blog allows you to refuse to accept the cookies we work with, but please be aware that refusing this service may provide a less pleasant experience for you, as it limits the performance of some services provided by us.
The refusal of cookies can happen expressly, when you press the negative button the message displayed on the website informing about cookies.
Or you can use another tool available in your browser. Consult your browser's help tab to find out how to do this, but remember that this deactivation is for cookies on our blog and other sites.
We do not recommend that you refuse or disable cookies, as it is through them that we provide you with a better experience and targeted to your needs. Furthermore, refusing or disabling cookies reduces the functionalities available to you, such as filling out forms so that we can return any contact you make.
Data Storage
All the data we store has a legitimate purpose and which is previously informed to our users, being stored only after the user's consent and respecting the provisions of current legislation on this matter.
We store our users' data in order to generate a better experience for them when accessing our blog, to control the dynamics on our pages, answer comments, questions and return future contacts.
The data stored to communicate updates to our blog is all stored securely and expressly for that purpose.
The data storage time period is (enter the period in which you will store the data, or if you do not know a specific period start with the paragraph below).
The data we collect and process is used for a period of time suitable for the purpose described in this document.
The storage of data carried out by us does not remove any right of the holder of personal data over it. In addition, we respect all rights of the website controller and any other regulatory or legal provisions regarding this matter.
The data stored by us are treated with complete security to protect our user from any harmful event.
Data processing
The processing of data collected by our platform respects all the rules established in the General Data Protection Law, respecting the user's right to have access to their data and to change them at any time during our storage.
The data processed by us are all safe, as we use techniques to preserve the privacy of all data subjects collected.
We do not carry out any illegal data processing or that goes against what is established by Brazilian regulations and this Privacy and Security Policy.
The steps of data processing starts from its collection.
The activities related to the processing of data carried out by us have a legal basis to take place, respecting the limits provided for in the legislation.
We provide our contact channel to answer any questions regarding the legal basis on which data processing is based.
You can contact us through the Contact Us tab and through the service channels at the end of this Privacy and Security Policy.
Deleting Stored Data
The data is only stored during the period in which it is used for the specific purpose for which it was collected, after this period we delete the data from our system or we anonymize it.
We have no interest in continuing to store our users' data after the period necessary for the purpose they were collected.
The storage of data will continue even if the purpose has been carried out, when there is a legal provision in this regard or a regulatory provision that prevents its elimination or anonymization.
The anonymization of data carried out by our website is a way to maintain the security of data collected from our users after the purpose for which the collection took place has been achieved.
Security in data processing
Our protection systems meet all the requirements of Law 13.709/2018, respecting good practice conduct, technical and administrative security measures for protection of collected data
We are very careful and concerned about providing security to the data collected from our users, for this reason we use specific tools to ensure the privacy of the data we process.
The techniques used to ensure the security of data collected by our website are all adequate and capable of generating full protection of user data from any possible situation where data can be obtained, shared, published, destroyed and altered without authorization and irregularly.
We adopt specific measures for each kind of data, with the security mode specifically directed to the data that was collected, according to the context of its collection and its purpose.
We use protection on our computers through data encryption and/or firewall.
Physical access to our files only happens when it is necessary for one of our employees to have access to them to perform their professional function.
Anonymized data is not considered by our blog as personal information, as it is not possible to create any link with the data subject through them, as there is no way to identify him.
Anonymized data are kept in our files and systems with all the technical security necessary for its protection.
It is important to inform you that we take every precaution to protect our users' data, but still, there are some situations that happen where data is leaked. Our website is not responsible for any incident with personal data that happens due to situations in which we have no control, such as the user's sole fault, or hacker attacks.
Any incident that causes damage to users' personal data, we will inform the responsible authorities, pursuant to Law 13.709/2018.
Share buttons on social media
The share buttons used on our blog are a way to increase traffic to our publications and optimize the dissemination of our posts.
To use our share buttons just click on them and choose the social network you want.
By using one of the available sharing buttons, you demonstrate that you accept and agree to inform all the necessary data for the sharing to take place, according to the need of the chosen sharing platform.
User consent
The user freely and willingly allows his data to be collected by our blog and stored for the period necessary for achievement of the established purpose.
The user states that he has not been coerced, or have been induced to agree to this Privacy and Security Policy.
The user agrees that they will browse and properly use the contents published on our blog, acting in good faith and respecting a dignified and respectful conduct, without making discriminatory comments regarding religious, racial, terrorist, prohibited games, etc.
The user undertakes not to cause any damage to the blog, and shall not generate malicious comments in the publication, not spread viruses that cause damage to our partners' hardware and software and to our website.
Future changes to this document
This Privacy and Security Policy follows all the rules established in the Brazilian legislation, especially those present in the General Data Protection Law.
There is no specific period for any modification to occur in this text, for this reason we inform you that our right to change is free at any time, especially in the case of changes made in Brazilian legislation or on our website.
We are committed to informing our users of any changes to this Privacy and Security Policy.
Ways to contact us
We always seek the best relationship with our user, for this reason we are available to answer any questions regarding our Privacy and Security Policy and to inform you about the data processing performed by us.
You can get in touch with us via email, phone or the address shown on the About Us, or Contact tab.
Additional information
This document was developed by Advogado Diego Castro (OAB/PI 15.613) and modified with permission for this website, with the function of explaining and guiding our users regarding the Privacy and Security Policy used by our blog.
We hope that all the points discussed in this document are clear.